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Beauty & Body Art co.  
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Beauty & Body Art co. [Lebanon]

Country/Region: Lebanon

Inquiry about Airbrush  [Lebanon]

Update Time: 2011-01-21
Valid to: Never Expired
Detailed Description: Dear Sirs, I am preparing to lunch a new project in Lebanon related to body art and during my search i fount your contact from the net and i am looking to a supplier which i can have all what i need to my project and a good technical support and sure with a good prices. i am also trying to find what can the supplier offer as a new business ideas with a new product range in the market. if you dont mind i would like to have your company product and price list and can you offer such as support. Thank you in advance. Best Regards, Rabih Antrazi
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Contact Details
Mr. Rabih Antrazi
Beauty & Body Art co.
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